Taiwan High Mountain Oolong tea has what effect?

Taiwan High Mountain Oolong tea has what effect?

Taiwan High Mountain Tea has what effect? Taiwan High Mountain Tea, the main varieties are frozen top Oolong tea, Jin Xuan tea, Jade Tea, four seasons spring tea, Alishan high mountain tea, pear Mountain High cold tea, honey tea(Dongfeng beauty), the old days flavoured Oolong, carbon Pei coffee table types. Taiwan High Mountain Tea has weight loss, beauty and other effects.

Oolong tea is also called green tea, is a semi-fermented tea. It combines green tea and black tea manufacturing method, quality interposed between the two, both black tea flavor, and green tea fragrance.

Oolong tea contains large amounts of polyphenolsCan be improved lipolytic enzymes, reduce blood cholesterol levels, there are slimming, lower blood pressure, anti-oxidation, anti-aging and anti-cancer effects,is a unique weight loss tea. But due to the polyphenols in vivo metabolism is very fast, and therefore must be continuity of drinking, it can make the body often maintain the antioxidant concentration, if only intermittently tea,the effect must be to reduce the many.

The Obesity journal, a study noted that often drink Oolong tea person, body mass index and fat content of all than to drink less of the people is low. Moreover, Women Weight Loss Results than men significantly. This is because Oolong tea with black tea and green tea compared, in addition to the ability to stimulate pancreatic lipase enzyme activity, reducing sugars and fatty foods is absorbed, it also can accelerate the body's heat production to increase, promote fat burning, especially belly fat accumulation.

Known tea contains more than 500 kinds of chemical composition, the organic component has four hundred and fifty more, the

Which has a physiological role of a lot:Many phenolic compounds

Tea polyphenols, Also known as tannin, tea has a high content of various polyphenolic compounds from tea extract polyphenols compounds of the crude product are referred to as tea polyphenols, clinically can be used for kidney disease, including glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, etc., according to studies, tea polyphenols have anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals and anti-clotting, promoting fibrinolysis, prevent Platelet Adhesion and aggregation, but also to a role in humoral immunity, cellular immunity and the red blood cells of the immune mechanisms that suppress their immune response. According to another study of tea polyphenols may be associated with the cell's genetic material DNA has Pro-cooperation with, thus interfering with DNA biosynthesis and nucleic acid metabolism, and therefore has a certain antibacterial effect, and can prevent dental caries.

Tea in the bitter flavour that is derived from this substance. Such substances with astringent, and has a detoxifying effect, is also alleviate constipation the main material. Also has strong reducibility, can be cleared in vivo superoxide free radicals. In addition, there are anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, blood pressure and other effects. Tea polyphenols in the last important ingredient isCatechin

【Seafood】the sauce burned white shrimp

Sauce burned white shrimp material

Main material: extra white shrimp

Secondary material: shallots, ginger silk, minced garlic, sugar, pepper, barbeque, rice wine


The use of rapid freezing of shrimp do not use at room temperature ice retreat, as long as under the tap to punch a few minutes ok Hello ~


Use extra white shrimp, only also have more meat!


Under pan fry before to prepare


Cut off the sharp shrimp head, peel the shrimp when the comparison is not easy to be stabbed to

Make shrimp shrimp quick tasty delicious 袐 formula is=>from the shrimp back on the draw knife, make sauce easy tasty



Ginger wire and garlic spring onion into the pan and saute,added a pinch of sugar stir-fry and pour it into the white shrimp stir-fry, then you can pour a little rice wine(but Home rice wine just run out even if I didn't put a)adding an appropriate amount of soy sauce, stir-fry for two to let the sauce aroma more significant after adding the boiling water, then into a little barbeque and pepper, and finally adding shallots period of stir-fry, you can play pot


Ginger ginger to a delicious sauce for the burning of the white shrimp to complete Hello ~


Only take a picture of a kid eyeing the watch plate of shrimp.


Then with lightning speed attack.......

(Baby to mommy. also in the photo blanket~~~)


To say I'm not a dud, this sauce burned white shrimp to gold Hey ferret drink sipping Yo!


Because in the shrimp back on the draw knife, shorten the sauce tasty time, the whole white shrimp are super tasty


Eat the shrimp, the thousands and I did start to suck about the shrimp before eating, thick to delicious a few dad out Yo!


Practice simple and delicious, and ice friends air can also be at home try to do look at the Yo! 


"Antrodia"the end in the Red what?


牛樟芝又名牛樟菇,屬於非褶菌目、多孔科、多年生蕈菌類,學名為(Antrodia camphorata),其實是 1990 年,才被生化界發表的新種,成名時間晚,卻迅速竄紅。
▲ 牛樟芝子實體外觀

▍  物以稀為貴 珍貴的「子實體」生成時間非常長

它生長在台灣山區海拔 450-2000 公尺山林間,只生長在台灣特有百年以上的牛樟樹樹幹腐內壁,或是枯死後倒伏的牛樟樹木材潮濕表面;低海拔的幾乎被濫砍飴盡了,加上高海拔採集相當困難,野生牛樟木近年已被政府列為國寶級生物。




▲ 牛樟芝得來不易,只生長在臺灣特有百年以上的牛樟樹樹幹腐朽之心材內壁,或枯死倒伏之牛樟樹木材潮濕表面。

▍  森林紅寶石 相傳療效卓越










牛樟芝經科學研究發現其成份含有多醣體(如葡聚醣)、三萜類化合物、超氧歧化酵素、腺苷、蛋白質(含免疫蛋白)、維生素類(如維生素 B、菸鹼酸、麥角醇類)、微量元素(如鈣、磷、鍺)、核酸、凝集素、氨基酸、固醇類、木質素、血壓穩定物質等等。





天然牛樟芝子實體外觀形態多變,有板狀、鐘狀、馬蹄狀或塔狀等模樣;初生時顏色鮮紅色,漸長變為白色、淡紅褐色、淡褐色或淡黃褐色,牛樟芝氣味芳香,味辛、苦,台灣目前主要分布區域為:桃園(復興角板山)、苗栗(南庄鄉、三灣鄉)、南投(竹山、水里鄉)、高雄縣(六龜)、花蓮台東山區等,生長期為 6-10 月。 

